The Executive Committee shall organize a Scientific Conference once every year which will be open to all members of the Society and invited guests for presentation and discussion of professional papers, posters and videos.
Members and Guests wishing to read a paper at the conference shall be required to submit an abstract of less than 200 words to the appointed editor 8 months before the date of the Scientific Conference. The full paper shall be submitted 3 months -before the date of the conference.
The appropriate sub-committee of the Executive Committee shall scrutinize the abstracts and select those which meet the prescribed standard and request the authors to submit the full paper five months before the conference.
The author of paper accepted for presentation shall submit the full paper according to the regulation governing submission of papers.
Author shall be entitled to receive 1 reprint of their papers Published in the Proceeding.
The Executive Committee shall publish the recommendations of the Scientific Conference in ways which will make them available to the widest audience.