
  • The sub-committees shall meet at least once in very three months but extra ordinary meetings may be called at any time as necessary.
  • Each subcommittee shall have a chairperson who will be a member of the Executive Committee and three members elected by the Executive Committee.

There shell be two sub-committees namely:

  1. Finance and Administrative subcommittee which shall:
    1. handle all financial and administrative matters;
    2. find ways of raising funds from fees, contributions, sales and donations;
    3. arrange places and times for meeting and lectures;
    4. select and invite guest speakers for various Society meetings;
    5. deal with all matters pertaining to membership, recruitment and discipline of members; and
    6. find ways of attracting new members.
  2. Technical sub-committee which shall:
    1. encourage design, research and development, consultancy and publications in the field of Agricultural Engineering;
    2. identify priority areas for above fields including relevant training of Engineers;
    3. provide linkage between institutions engaged in Agricultural Engineering; and
    4. supervise Society publications. 

Specialist Groups

The General assembly shall establish specialist groups when the need arise..

Membership of such specialist group shall be open to all members interested in the particular specialist.

The Groups shall operate according to specialist group regulations of the Society.